With Halloween upon us, and Christmas speeding in shortly after that, 2018 is nearly here. If you’ve been pondering the fact that one of your New Year’s Resolutions might include a job you love more than your current one, now is the time to start your search.
Here's our reasons why:
1) Time Taken
The process of securing your next position can take a while longer than you may expect. Especially as searching for your ideal role is not something we take lightly! Updating your CV can take some time and after that, you want to make sure you have plenty of time to be selective about your choice and complete the interview process (which may involve multiple interviews per role).
2) Tax Season
Smaller firms and larger tax teams will face their busy tax season in January and therefore will be less available for interviews and taking on new team members.
3) Notice Period
Leaving a job in December gives you the opportunity to use some of the Christmas holiday as part of your notice period. Additionally, some companies are more comfortable with the idea of a clean break and will therefore ask you to finish in December even if it means cutting your notice period short!
4) Meeting the Team
Joining in December may mean an invite to the office Christmas Do at your new firm, a great chance to get to know your new team in a fun, relaxed and sociable setting. If not, a January start can be just as sociable, with the Christmas break giving you plenty to talk about in the office.
5) Competition
Many people will make a new job their New Years’ Resolution, and this means that job hunting in January can become much harder as more people are applying for the role you want.
6) Big Bucks
Bonus and pay reviews are often based around spending a calendar year at a firm. This means that starting around the New Years’ period can be a much safer bet for your wallet.
Go ahead and get in touch with us today, don’t have your job search be as scary as the current season!