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A Recruiter Recommends: Katrina's CV Tips

Recruitment Consultants read through hundreds of CVs every day. Therefore, the easier someone makes their CV to read, the better. Doing so always helps me to understand their experience and background much more quickly. Accountancy is a professional vocation which requires accuracy and organisation so a great CV should reflect these skills.

Below are just a few pointers that I, as someone who reads many CVs per day, would suggest to make your CV more presentable, able to provide all the required information, and most importantly, make your job search more fruitful:

A standard business-like font – Avoid fonts such as Comic Sans as these can make your CV look juvenile and it won’t be taken as seriously. Also, avoid different colours of font, creative designs and formatting for the same reasons. Accountancy is formal and your CV should reflect that.

Contact Details – Put your full name and contact details including mobile number, email and home address. This will make it easier for me to contact you. The home address enables the team to work out your commute, as a long commute can concern employers. If you don’t want to put a full address for privacy reasons, just put the general area in which you live.

An explanation of what you’re looking for – It’s helpful for me to know what sort of roles you’re looking for so I can prepare some relevant roles before contacting you. If you want something specific then state it on your CV and I’ll only send over and discuss those options. If you’re quite open then say that so I can send you a mix of roles with different types of firm and work to give you an idea of your options.

Structure – The easier your CV is to read the better. Avoid long paragraphs and blocks of text. Bold titles, organised sections and bullet points always make your CV look more professional and clear and will allow those reading it to get the information they require with ease.

Spelling – Check, re-check and get someone else to check too. Spelling mistakes are one of the first things I notice so make sure everything is spelled correctly. Your CV is a reflection of you, and accountancy requires accuracy.

Education – Put grades for GCSEs, A Levels (or equivalent) and degree classification and if you had any resits on your qualification (AAT/ACCA/ACA). Some firms have very strict criteria so it is worth me knowing all of these details so I don’t waste your time with the wrong role.

Chronology – Always order your work history and education with the most recent first. This is the most relevant for employers and recruiters so this is what I like to see first.

Dates – Put the duration for both education and job roles (e.g. January 2014 – September 2016)

Don’t hide information – If there is a gap in your CV the client will want to know why, and I will always make sure to ask you so it’s not worth hiding it. Employers will understand the reason but it looks suspicious if there is a large gap between jobs.

Mix of work – Clients will want to know how much of your time you spend on each part of your role and previous roles (e.g. 50% Accounts, 30% Tax, 20% Audit) as this will indicate where your strengths lie.

Clients – It is also good to state some examples of the type of client sectors you work with, and the average and maximum turnovers you’ve had experience with. This allows me to tell your employer the size of clients you are used to so they can allot your work accordingly.

Systems – It is handy to write the accounting software you’ve had experience with. All that’s required is just a brief one line list of those you use, and your level of skill.

The team always look forward to receiving a CV and having the chance to discuss a candidates opportunities. Take a look at our current positions and send your new CV over to us! 

~ Katrina


Katrina is an Audit, Business Services, and Outsourcing Consultant who specialises in Media clients, and is passionate about matching her candidates with their dream position. You can get in touch with her on 020 3225 6124 or at

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